Establishing Mechanisms of Benefit to Reinforce the Alzheimer’s Care Experience AD/ADRD Roybal Center

Funded Trials

EMBRACE Awardees: Year One

Manka Nkimbeng

Manka Nkimbeng, PhD, MPH, BSN

Assistant Professor, Division of Health Policy & Management
University of Minnesota School of Public Health

Dr. Nkimbeng’s research interests center around understanding the causes of health inequities in minorities and improving health outcomes for older adults. Encompassing her research and policy expertise, she works to develop and test interventions that can be translated into health policies and clinical practice to improve health and eliminate health inequities for older adults.

Lauren Parker

Lauren Parker, PhD, MPH

Associate Scientist, Department of Health, Behavior and Society, Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health

Dr. Parker examines how home- and community-based supports address the cultural needs of Black and Hispanic caregivers. Her research interests include psychosocial stress, lifecourse, minority health, caregiving, and Alzheimer’s disease and related disorders.